Writing is an Art of Seeing in Yourself What Others Cannot See

Let’s know the use of therapeutic writing as a form of ego-state therapy

Rabia Akram
8 min readOct 26, 2023
NgPhoto by Muhammad Taha Khan on Unsplash

Writing, by its nature, is an act of ego

Do you truly believe in that? It’s a popular belief.

As I have reflected upon my life, I have observed that writing, when you really think about it, can seem like showing off a bit. You’re basically putting your thoughts and ideas in online publications for others to see and think about. In doing so, a writer is basically saying, “My words are worth your attention, consideration, and thought.”

My question to you is, are you actually convinced by that?

Here in this post my focus is mainly on these 2 basic topics:

  • The concept of inherent Egoism in writing
  • The use of therapeutic writing as a form of ego-state therapy.

But first of all…

Let’s Explore The Inherent Egoism in Writing

According to a post by The Guardian, there is a talk about inherent vanity.

There is an inherent vanity in writing; believing you have something special to offer the world is built-in to the very act…



Rabia Akram

My writing revolves around topics of self improvement and mental health concerns. My love for nature shines through as I often discuss about trees and outdoors.